Database Design and Development: A Visual Approach / Edition 1

Database Design and Development: A Visual Approach / Edition 1

by Raymond Frost, John Day, Craig Van Slyke, John Day

For students in the introductory course in database who want to learn how to design rather than just manipulate relational databases.The book that balances database theory, business problem solving, and hands-on-practice. This book prepares student for the workplace without sacrificing rigorous academic theory.

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For students in the introductory course in database who want to learn how to design rather than just manipulate relational databases.The book that balances database theory, business problem solving, and hands-on-practice. This book prepares student for the workplace without sacrificing rigorous academic theory.

Product Details

Prentice Hall
Publication date:
Edition description:
New Edition
Product dimensions:
8.30(w) x 10.80(h) x 1.10(d)

Table of Contents

Chapter 1: The Role of Databases in Electronic Business

Chapter 2: Relational Theory

Chapter 3: Conceptual Design

Chapter 4: Normalization

Chapter 5: Advanced Database Designs

Chapter 6: Creating Databases with Oracle Using SQL

Chapter 7: Retrieving Data with Oracle

Chapter 8: Creating Databases with MicrosoftAccess

Chapter 9: Retrieving Data with Access

Chapter 10: Creating a Database with SQL Server

Chapter 11: Retrieving Data with SQL Server

Chapter 12: Accessing Database Data from the Web

Chapter 13: Manipulating Database Data from the Web

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