Database Design: Applications of Library Cataloging Techniques

Database Design: Applications of Library Cataloging Techniques

by David L. Clark

Editorial Reviews

Clark, chairman of the History Computerization Project of the Los Angeles Historical Society, suggests that the reason so many organizations' files have grown into trackless jungles is that people have thought a computer could bypass a coherent theory of information organization. One exists, he says, in the traditional standards and practices of librarians, and he shows how to combine those with principles of database management. Of interest to managers in any organization using databases. Includes over 100 pages of bibliography, resource list, and glossary of terms. Annotation c. Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (

Product Details

McGraw-Hill School Education Group
Publication date:
Edition description:
1st ed
Product dimensions:
7.87(w) x 9.84(h) x (d)

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