Database Design with FileMaker Pro for the Mac

Database Design with FileMaker Pro for the Mac

by Michael Singer

FileMaker Pro offers the perfect solution to a wide range of design problems. The author takes you to the limit of what is possible with this leading database application by providing a good mix of practical theory and step-by-step instructions which demonstrate how to create simple to complex databases. Includes a complete billing and invoice system as well as

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FileMaker Pro offers the perfect solution to a wide range of design problems. The author takes you to the limit of what is possible with this leading database application by providing a good mix of practical theory and step-by-step instructions which demonstrate how to create simple to complex databases. Includes a complete billing and invoice system as well as in-depth coverage of writing scripts.

Editorial Reviews

Library Journal
FileMaker Pro is one of the most popular Macintosh database programs ever; it can handle everything from a recipe file with a dozen records to a catalog of books with thousands of entries. Like any good program, FileMaker is full of helpful features, ready for your use with a little investment of time. Singer helps you learn about FileMaker while guiding you to memorable tricks along the way. He assumes that you're not afraid of programming with scripts. In eight chapters, Singer's advice and tips on scripting will completely alter your use of FileMaker. With scripts, you can add security to your database, build in relationships between data elements like those in more full-bodied programs, and search and sort more efficiently. For the serious FileMaker user, Singer's book is only disappointing in not including a diskette of examples. If you use FileMaker as your bread-and-butter database, you'll need this book to use the program as never before.

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7.41(w) x 9.19(h) x 0.72(d)

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