Database Developer's Guide with Borland C++5

Database Developer's Guide with Borland C++5

by Jay Rutten, Mike Cohn, Jim Moran, Kristy Hill

Borland C++ Developer's Guide helps all programmers get the most from Borland's latest version of C++. They quickly learn, through the use of real-world applications and examples, the tricks and techniques necessary to efficiently enhance their programs. Exhaustive detail is given to every subject-from Windows extensions like MAPI, TAPI, OLE 2, NetDDE to cross… See more details below


Borland C++ Developer's Guide helps all programmers get the most from Borland's latest version of C++. They quickly learn, through the use of real-world applications and examples, the tricks and techniques necessary to efficiently enhance their programs. Exhaustive detail is given to every subject-from Windows extensions like MAPI, TAPI, OLE 2, NetDDE to cross platform programming. This is the most detailed book on developing programs with Borland C++.

  • Step-by-step instructions cover every detail
  • Provides coverage of advanced C++ extensions like MAPI, TAPI, OLE2, and NetDDE
  • Included CD-ROM contains source code from the book and sample applications

Product Details

Publication date:
Sams Developers Guide Ser.
Product dimensions:
7.31(w) x 9.05(h) x 2.01(d)

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