Database Development For Dummies

Database Development For Dummies

by Allen G. Taylor

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From ATMs to the personal finance, online shopping to networkedinformation management, databases permeate every nook and cranny ofour highly-connected, information-intensive world. Databases havebecome so integral to the business environment that, nowadays,it’s next to impossible to stay competitive without theassistance of some sort of database

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From ATMs to the personal finance, online shopping to networkedinformation management, databases permeate every nook and cranny ofour highly-connected, information-intensive world. Databases havebecome so integral to the business environment that, nowadays,it’s next to impossible to stay competitive without theassistance of some sort of database technology—no matter whattype or size of business you run. But developing your own databasecan be very tricky. In fact, whether you want to keep records for asmall business or run a large e-commerce website, developing theright database system can be a major challenge. Which is where thisfriendly guide comes in.

From data modeling methods and development tools to Internetaccessibility and security, Database Development For Dummiesshows you, step-by-step, everything you need to know about buildinga custom system from the ground up. You’ll discover howto:

  • Model data accurately
  • Design a reliable functional database
  • Deliver robust relational databases on time and on budget
  • Build a user-friendly database application
  • Put your database on the Web

In plain English, author Allen Taylor acquaints you with themost popular data modeling methods, and he shows you how tosystematically design and develop a system incorporating a databaseand one or more applications that operate on it. Important topicshe explores include:

  • Understanding database architecture and how it has evolved
  • Recognizing how database technology affects everyday life
  • Using a structured approach to database development
  • Creating an appropriate data model
  • Developing a reliable relational design
  • Understanding the complexities you’re likely to encounterin designing a database and how to simplify them
  • Implementing your design using Microsoft Access 2000, SQLServer and other powerful database development tools
  • Keeping your database secure
  • Putting your database on the Internet

Today’s powerful, low-cost database development tools makeit possible for virtually anybody to create their own database. GetDatabase Development For Dummies and discover what it takesto design, develop and implement a sophisticated database systemtailored to you and your company’s current and future datastorage and management needs.

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For Dummies Series
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7.50(w) x 9.25(h) x 0.75(d)

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