Database-Driven Web Sites

Database-Driven Web Sites

by Kristin Antelman

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A reference you'll turn to whenever you need a practical solution to your online content delivery problems!

Don't depend on static HTML to meet your clients? demand for information-use Database-Driven Web Sites to help you find the dynamic program that will get the job done with ease. This book contains profiles of successful content delivery solutions in a

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A reference you'll turn to whenever you need a practical solution to your online content delivery problems!

Don't depend on static HTML to meet your clients? demand for information-use Database-Driven Web Sites to help you find the dynamic program that will get the job done with ease. This book contains profiles of successful content delivery solutions in a variety of library situations, from academic to governmental, and covers many associated elements, such as web site redesign, digitization, and electronic access to archival information. Plentiful illustrations and straightforward language will make this book a valuable addition to your collections.

Among the topics Database-Driven Web Sites examines are:

  • staff skill development issues
  • building a frequently asked questions (FAQ) database
  • managing bibliographic citation software
  • online reference collections in collegiate libraries
  • developing portal web sites for state governments
This book aims to empower librarians to create new services that would be impossible with strictly HTML-based web sites, so along with advice from professionals, Database-Driven Web Sites offers you practical tips for managing complex projects and includes numerous links to online resources and software.

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Product Details

Taylor & Francis
Publication date:
Edition description:
New Edition
Product dimensions:
5.90(w) x 8.30(h) x 0.40(d)

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What People are saying about this

A VALUABLE TOOL for librarians looking at who to organize the vast amount of information we make available to our users via the Web. . . . AN EXCELLENT INTRODUCTION to the range of software solutions emerging and, most importantly, to the challenge of using this software to develop sites that make information access friendly and efficient for our patrons. This book should be REQUIRED READING FOR LIBRARIANS as our profession enters the 'Web portal' age of librarianship.
—Michael Kronenfeld, MLS, MBA, Director, Learning Resource Center, Arizona School of Health Sciences

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