Database Management Systems: A Handbook for Managers and Their Advisors / Edition 1

Database Management Systems: A Handbook for Managers and Their Advisors / Edition 1

by Jae K. Shim, Joel G. Siegel

Every operating manager has to deal with the problems and the opportunities afforded to them in controlling and managing data and data systems. Since management systems are absolutely essential for a successful enterprise, this book is designed to the aid the professional in the selection, implementation, and management of a database system. Learn how to make your

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Every operating manager has to deal with the problems and the opportunities afforded to them in controlling and managing data and data systems. Since management systems are absolutely essential for a successful enterprise, this book is designed to the aid the professional in the selection, implementation, and management of a database system. Learn how to make your system function at its optimal level and accomplish what it is designed to do! With coverage of web and traditional database management systems, applications, programming, and much more, this guide is an essential for any professional looking for the optimum performance from your company's databases.

Product Details

Cengage Learning
Publication date:
Edition description:
New Edition
Product dimensions:
6.20(w) x 9.10(h) x 0.70(d)

Table of Contents

1. Introduction. 2. DBMS Tools and Techniques 3. Database Architecture. 4. Database Design. 5. The Relational Model. 6. Networks and Distributed Databases. 7. Data Warehousing. 8. Data Mining. 9. Querying Databases. 10. Multimedia Databases. 11. The Web and Database Systems. 12. Database Security. 13. Other DBMS Topics. Glossary. Index.

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