Database: Step-by-Step

Database: Step-by-Step

by Mark L. Gillenson

This Second Edition includes more material on relational database (including a new chapter on pseudo-relational database), expanded coverage of the now-standard SQL language, and discussion of Query Management Facility, dBASE III, and dBASE IV. There is also treatment of the Date-Wilson method of database design, new material on relational-style catalogs,… See more details below


This Second Edition includes more material on relational database (including a new chapter on pseudo-relational database), expanded coverage of the now-standard SQL language, and discussion of Query Management Facility, dBASE III, and dBASE IV. There is also treatment of the Date-Wilson method of database design, new material on relational-style catalogs, object-oriented databases, and expert databases.

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Wiley, John & Sons, Incorporated
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