Database Modeling and Design: Logical Design / Edition 5

Database Modeling and Design: Logical Design / Edition 5

by Toby J. Teorey

Database systems and database design technology have seen significant changes in recent years. The relational data model and relational database systems dominate applications; in turn, they are extended by other technologies like data warehousing, OLAP, and data mining. Businesses are expanding and require well-constructed databases to track their new and various

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Database systems and database design technology have seen significant changes in recent years. The relational data model and relational database systems dominate applications; in turn, they are extended by other technologies like data warehousing, OLAP, and data mining. Businesses are expanding and require well-constructed databases to track their new and various needs. How do you model and design your database application in the event of new technology or new business needs?

The answers are all in the fifth edition of Database Modeling and Design: Logical Design. This book shows you how to develop data modeling concepts and logical database design consistently over a wide scope in a way that will support the needs of your enterprise. Updated clear explanations, in-depth detail, real-world examples, and illustrative case studies provide you with practical advice that you can count on—with design rules that are applicable to any SQL-based system.

NEW to this edition:

• NEW- A whole chapter devoted to XML and web databases. What you need to know to utilize XML rather than relational tables.

• A whole chapter describing Object Relational Design. Learn how to make a choice between what is in the database as a BLOB and what is outside in a separate file.

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Product Details

Elsevier Science
Publication date:
Morgan Kaufmann Series in Data Management Systems Series
Edition description:
New Edition
Sales rank:
Product dimensions:
7.40(w) x 9.10(h) x 1.00(d)

Table of Contents

Ch. 1Introduction1
Ch. 2The ER Model: Basic Concepts13
Ch. 3ER Modeling in Logical Database Design45
Ch. 4Transformation of the ER Model to SQL79
Ch. 5Normalization97
Ch. 6Access Methods141
Ch. 7An Example of Relational Database Design177
Ch. 8Distributed Data Allocation187
Ch. 9Data Warehousing, OLAP, And Data Mining211
Ch. 10Advanced Database Technologies251
App. AReview of SQL281
App. BDatabase Performance Tuning301
App. CDependability Estimation305
App. DData Warehousing Technology Vendors315
App. EConnecting Databases to the World Wide Web319
Solutions to Selected Exercises347
About the Author366

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