Database Publishing with FileMaker Pro on the Web

Database Publishing with FileMaker Pro on the Web

by Maria L. Langer

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This book is designed to help you get your database online quickly and effectively, whether you are using FileMaker 4 with its integrated Web publishing features, or FileMaker 3 with third-party helper applications such as Tango, Lasso, or Web FM. Maria Langer guides you step by step through connecting your FileMaker database to the Web or corporate intranet.… See more details below


This book is designed to help you get your database online quickly and effectively, whether you are using FileMaker 4 with its integrated Web publishing features, or FileMaker 3 with third-party helper applications such as Tango, Lasso, or Web FM. Maria Langer guides you step by step through connecting your FileMaker database to the Web or corporate intranet. Practical tips and juicy tricks, plus valuable, everyday advice for any database publisher make this an indispensable guide to putting your database online.

Editorial Reviews

Library Journal
FileMaker Pro is a relational database popular in Windows and Mac environments. It is the best database available on the Mac side and rates just behind Access for Windows. Langer offers a well-written book explaining how to use FileMaker Pro for dynamic data publishing on the Internet--that is, serving up pages of data that look different depending on what sorts of information the user requested. Langer covers FileMaker's generic web-publishing features, customized web publishing, configuration and security, and third-party tie-ins, such as Lasso, Tango and Web-FM. This is not a book for beginners who don't understand relational data design, but it is an excellent book for webmasters looking to expand beyond static web pages.
Gives step-by-step instructions for connecting a FileMaker Pro database to the Web or a corporate intranet. Contains sections on FileMaker Pro's built-in Web publishing features, third-party solutions, and real-life database publishing examples. Covers both static and dynamic publishing, with emphasis on dynamic publishing. Assumes readers know how to use FileMaker Pro, Web server software, and a Web browser. Annotation c. by Book News, Inc., Portland, Or.

Product Details

Peachpit Press
Publication date:
On the Web Series
Product dimensions:
7.04(w) x 8.98(h) x 0.91(d)

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