Database Systems: Concepts, Management and Application

Database Systems: Concepts, Management and Application

by Alden Lorents, James Morgan

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Database Systems: Concepts, Management, and Applications is for the introductory database course that covers the design and implementation of relational databases using database activities to reinforce theories. Along with a wealth of current cases and examples, there is also an ongoing case, concerning Air-West Airlines, to better depict the advantages of the… See more details below


Database Systems: Concepts, Management, and Applications is for the introductory database course that covers the design and implementation of relational databases using database activities to reinforce theories. Along with a wealth of current cases and examples, there is also an ongoing case, concerning Air-West Airlines, to better depict the advantages of the relational model. The text does a great job of balancing two current, approaches for teaching Database Management. Mainframe and microcomputer database systems are represented equally.

The text provides an extensive set of examples on client-server and distributed applications using Oracle with Access as a client. Other client-server examples use a windows-based front end to host a language with embedded SQL (either DB2 or Oracle).

Product Details

Harcourt College Publishers
Publication date:
Dryden Press Series in Information Systems Ser.
Product dimensions:
7.73(w) x 9.54(h) x 1.15(d)

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