Database Systems in Science and Engineering / Edition 1

Database Systems in Science and Engineering / Edition 1

by J.R Rumble, F.J Smith

Computerized databases provide a powerful everyday tool for data handling by scientists and engineers. However, the unique nature of many technical tasks requires a specialized approach to make use of the many powerful commercial database tools now available. Using these tools has proved difficult because database technology is often shrouded in layers of jargon.

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Computerized databases provide a powerful everyday tool for data handling by scientists and engineers. However, the unique nature of many technical tasks requires a specialized approach to make use of the many powerful commercial database tools now available. Using these tools has proved difficult because database technology is often shrouded in layers of jargon.

An essential guide for scientists and engineers who use computers to avoid drowning in a flood of data, Database Systems in Science and Engineering dispels the myths associated with database design and breaks the barriers to successful databases. Using the language of scientists and engineers, this book explains concepts and problems, offers practical steps and solutions, and provides new ideas for better data handling. The first part of the book presents an overview of technical databases using examples taken from real applications and the current state of technical databases. The second part covers the computer implementation of technical databases, including examples and the necessary computer science theory to form a sound background. The authors confront the many difficulties that arise in the design and implementation of a realistic database and offer solutions to these challenges.

Before beginning any database project, scientists and engineers should read this book to understand how to make every database project successful through careful planning, good design, and efficient use of database tools.

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Product Details

Taylor & Francis
Publication date:
Edition description:
New Edition
Product dimensions:
6.30(w) x 9.20(h) x 0.90(d)

Table of Contents

Introduction to technical databases
The nature of technical data
Types of technical databases
The use of technical databases
User interfaces
The dissemination of technical databases
Data structures
Architecture of a database
Data models
Database planning
Database design
Expert systems

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