Databases and Transaction Processing : An Application-Oriented Approach / Edition 1

Databases and Transaction Processing : An Application-Oriented Approach / Edition 1

by Arthur J. Bernstein, Michael Kifer, Arthur Bernstein

"This is a great book! This is the book I wish I had written."
—Jim Gray, Microsoft Research, recipient of 1998 A.M. Turing Award "for seminal contributions to database and transaction processing research"

Databases and Transaction Processing provides a complete and clear explanation of the conceptual and engineering principles underlying

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"This is a great book! This is the book I wish I had written."
—Jim Gray, Microsoft Research, recipient of 1998 A.M. Turing Award "for seminal contributions to database and transaction processing research"

Databases and Transaction Processing provides a complete and clear explanation of the conceptual and engineering principles underlying the design and implementation of database and transaction processing applications. Rather than focusing on how to implement the database management system itself, this text focuses on how to build database applications. To provide a solid foundation for these principles, the book thoroughly covers the theory underlying relational databases and relational query languages.

To illustrate both database and transaction processing concepts, a case study is carried throughout the book. The technical aspects of each chapter applied to the case study and the software engineering concepts required to implement the case study are discussed.

In addition to the more traditional material — relational databases, SQL, and the ACID properties of transactions — the book provides in-depth coverage of the most current topics in database and transaction processing technologies, including:

  • Embedded SQL, SQL/PSM, ODBC, JDBC, and SQLJ
  • Object and object-relational databases, including SQL:1999, ODMG, and CORBA
  • XML and document processing on the Web
  • Triggers and Active Databases
  • OLAP and Data Mining
  • Distributed Databases
  • TP Monitors and how they implement the ACID properties
  • Concurrency controls at different isolation levels
  • Security and Internet commerce

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Product Details

Pearson Education
Publication date:
Product dimensions:
7.66(w) x 9.34(h) x 1.72(d)

Table of Contents

Pt. 1Introduction1
1Overview of Databases and Transactions3
2A Closer Look15
3Case Study: Starting the Student Registration System29
Pt. 2Database Management53
4The Relational Data Model55
5Database Design I: The Entity-Relationship Model89
6Query Languages I: Relational Algebra and SQL123
7Query Languages II: Relational Calculus and Visual Query Languages177
8Database Design II: Relational Normalization Theory211
9Triggers and Active Databases261
10SQL in the Real World275
11Physical Data Organization and Indexing325
12Case Study: Completing the Student Registration System377
13The Basics of Query Processing401
14An Overview of Query Optimization425
15An Overview of Transaction Processing451
Pt. 3Advanced Topics in Databases477
16Object Databases479
17XML and Web Data537
18Distributed Databases623
19OLAP and Data Mining643
Pt. 4Transaction Processing667
20ACID Properties of Transactions669
21Models of Transactions683
22Architecture of Transaction Processing Systems717
23Implementing Isolation761
24Isolation in Relational Databases809
25Atomicity and Durability857
26Implementing Distributed Transactions881
27Security and Internet Commerce915
App.: System Issues951

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