Databases Demystified: A Self-Teaching Guide
  • Databases Demystified: A Self-Teaching Guide
  • Databases Demystified: A Self-Teaching Guide

Databases Demystified: A Self-Teaching Guide

by Andrew Oppel

The fast and easy way to understanding the fundamentals of databases

If you’re tired of wading through huge technical manuals that drown you in jargon, making it difficult to decipher database fundamentals, help has finally arrived. Databases Demystified is user-friendly, engaging, easy to follow, and designed for the non-expert wanting to quickly learn the

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The fast and easy way to understanding the fundamentals of databases

If you’re tired of wading through huge technical manuals that drown you in jargon, making it difficult to decipher database fundamentals, help has finally arrived. Databases Demystified is user-friendly, engaging, easy to follow, and designed for the non-expert wanting to quickly learn the ins and outs of databases and immediately apply concepts learned.

Its step-by-step approach and detailed explanations of database design make this a comprehensive resource covering all the tools you need to build and manage your database. Learn how to form database queries using Microsoft Access and SQL, explore methods for connecting a database to applications, and discover how to store your historical data for analyses. From logical data design using normalization to database security and data warehousing, Databases Demystified gets your database up and running in no time.

Simple enough for a beginner, but challenging enough for an advanced student, Databases Demystified is your shortcut to mastering databases.

This one-of-a kind self-teaching text offers:

  • An easy way to understand databases
  • A quiz at the end of each chapter
  • A final exam at the end of the book
  • No unnecessary technical jargon
  • A time-saving approach

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Product Details

McGraw-Hill Companies, The
Publication date:
Demystified Series
Product dimensions:
7.40(w) x 9.20(h) x 0.71(d)

Table of Contents

Ch. 1Database fundamentals1
Ch. 2Exploring relational database components25
Ch. 3Forms-based database queries51
Ch. 4Introduction to SQL89
Ch. 5The database life cycle129
Ch. 6Logical database design using normalization145
Ch. 7Data and process modeling179
Ch. 8Physical database design203
Ch. 9Connecting database to the outside world227
Ch. 10Database security247
Ch. 11Database implementation273
Ch. 12Databases for online analytical processing293
Final exam307
Answers to quizzes and final exam325

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