Databases for Software Engineering

Databases for Software Engineering

by C. Godart, F. Charoy

This timely book in which the authors address the important topic of databases in software engineering covers all the entities relevant to software development: document analysis, specifications, design and test cases, as well as their relationships. Listing the requirements for object management systems to support software development, the book also includes an… See more details below


This timely book in which the authors address the important topic of databases in software engineering covers all the entities relevant to software development: document analysis, specifications, design and test cases, as well as their relationships. Listing the requirements for object management systems to support software development, the book also includes an overview of current and new techniques. Databases for Software Engineering prepares the reader for the introduction of new techniques in industry, and is suitable for practitioners, software engineers, project managers and database managers.

Product Details

Prentice Hall Professional Technical Reference
Publication date:
BCS Practitioner Series
Product dimensions:
6.89(w) x 9.20(h) x 0.39(d)

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