Databases Illuminated / Edition 2

Databases Illuminated / Edition 2

by Catherine M. Ricardo


  • Balanced coverage of theory and application - this book contains thorough coverage of theory and applied database design and implementation throughout. For example, relational algebra and SQL are both presented, and normalization is discussed both by formal definition and by examples. Theory provides the deep understanding that

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  • Balanced coverage of theory and application - this book contains thorough coverage of theory and applied database design and implementation throughout. For example, relational algebra and SQL are both presented, and normalization is discussed both by formal definition and by examples. Theory provides the deep understanding that survives changes in technology, while practice provides the skills students need for employment and further exploration.
  • Conforms to the ACM-IEEE and AIS curriculum recommendations - Includes an entire chapter devoted to ethics. In addition to the core topics, the book covers database security, concurrency control, recovery, query optimization, distributed databases, internet-based systems, XML, data warehouses, and data mining.
  • Each chapter begins with learning objectives and ends with a chapter summary that emphasizes the key points. Exercises follow each chapter, and hands-on lab exercises will be provided on the companion website whenever appropriate.
  • Code for real-life database management systems including Access, Oracle, and InterSystems Cache provide practice with relational, object-relational, and object-oriented systems. Code appears in the text and will be on the website, so students can download and run it immediately.
  • The sample project and student projects provide continuing examples that students can build on as they progress.
  • Includes discussion on data mining techniques and provides accessible examples

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Product Details

Jones & Bartlett Learning
Publication date:
Edition description:
Older Edition
Sales rank:
Product dimensions:
7.40(w) x 9.20(h) x 1.60(d)

Table of Contents

1Introductory database concepts1
2Database planning and database architecture66
3The entity-relationship model119
4The relational model168
6Relational database management systems and SQL286
7The enhanced entity-relationship model and the object-relational model373
8The object-oriented model431
9Introduction to database security466
10Transaction management492
11Relational query optimization533
12Distributed databases571
13Database and the internet626
14Social and ethical issues673
15Data warehouses and data mining732
App. APhysical data organization761
App. BThe network model790
App. CThe hierarchical model820

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