Databases in Theory and Practice

Databases in Theory and Practice

by John Paul Jones, J. A. Jones

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Databases: In Theory and Practice adopts a pragmatic, technical approach to the subject of database systems. In this book the authors set about dealing with the underlying theory of databases in an accessible, non-mathematical manner. Covering all aspects of the subject, the book introduces the concepts from a problem-solving point of view with numerous practical… See more details below


Databases: In Theory and Practice adopts a pragmatic, technical approach to the subject of database systems. In this book the authors set about dealing with the underlying theory of databases in an accessible, non-mathematical manner. Covering all aspects of the subject, the book introduces the concepts from a problem-solving point of view with numerous practical examples and problems.

Product Details

Cengage Learning
Publication date:
Itcp Computer Science Series
Product dimensions:
7.52(w) x 9.60(h) x 0.70(d)

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