Databases on the Web

Databases on the Web

by Patricia Ju

Databases on the Web is a concise, readable guide to enabling Web access (across intranets and the Internet) to information created over decades on many different systems. This content includes shop-by-mail pricing guides, school registration and tuition systems, and billion-dollar corporate databases.

The key to integrating databases onto the Web is

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Databases on the Web is a concise, readable guide to enabling Web access (across intranets and the Internet) to information created over decades on many different systems. This content includes shop-by-mail pricing guides, school registration and tuition systems, and billion-dollar corporate databases.

The key to integrating databases onto the Web is flexibility. Flexibility is also the key to this book. Learn to make a wide range of applications and configurations work in harmony: all database types -- flatfile, relational, extended relational, and object; assorted SQL implementations; several levels of security concerns; and many transaction systems ranging from plain old CGI to FastCGI, NSAPI, and ISAPI.

Choose and use the best tools and configurations for your system, and follow the author's real-world success stories to make your intranet- or Internet-ready database work right the first time.

The companion CD-ROM offers database management systems, connection libraries for Perl and Java, and an invaluable collection of useful tools for building a Web/database application, including Microsoft's Visual J++ 1.1 Trial Edition.

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Product Details

Wiley, John & Sons, Incorporated
Publication date:
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Product dimensions:
7.13(w) x 9.24(h) x 0.84(d)

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