Datacasting: How to Stream Databases over the Internet

Datacasting: How to Stream Databases over the Internet

by Jessica Keyes

Datacasting: How to Stream Databases over the Internet. One of the hottest topics in information access today is the porting od databases onto the Internet. This nuts-and-bolts guide helps you successfully merge scalable,flexible Web applications with the static nature of traditional database systems—without having to "reinvent the wheel. " Datacasting… See more details below


Datacasting: How to Stream Databases over the Internet. One of the hottest topics in information access today is the porting od databases onto the Internet. This nuts-and-bolts guide helps you successfully merge scalable,flexible Web applications with the static nature of traditional database systems—without having to "reinvent the wheel. " Datacasting provides a clear,step-by-step road map for putting your databases in the proper Web format and making them as dynamic as the Web itself. You'll find out about the best products from major vendors such as Informix,Oracle,Sybase,IBM,and Microsoft that help you make a comfortable home for your databases on the Web,in addition to shareware tools and hot tools for up-and-coming new vendors. More help awaits you online,thanks to a website dedicated to the book that includes valuable tools such as miniSQL for expediting your database/Web merger. Close the gap between your data and the immense versality of the Internet now!

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McGraw-Hill Osborne
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7.36(w) x 9.20(h) x 1.57(d)

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