DB2 9 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows Advanced Database Administration Certification: Certification Study Guide

DB2 9 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows Advanced Database Administration Certification: Certification Study Guide

by Roger E. Sanders, Dwaine R Snow

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Database administrators versed in DB2 wanting to learn more about advanced database administration activities and students wishing to gain knowledge to help them pass the DB2 9 UDB Advanced DBA certification exam will find this exhaustive reference invaluable. Written by two individuals who were part of the team that developed the certification exam, this

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Database administrators versed in DB2 wanting to learn more about advanced database administration activities and students wishing to gain knowledge to help them pass the DB2 9 UDB Advanced DBA certification exam will find this exhaustive reference invaluable. Written by two individuals who were part of the team that developed the certification exam, this comprehensive study guide prepares the student for challenging questions on database design; data partitioning and clustering; high availability diagnostics; performance and scalability; security and encryption; connectivity and networking; and much more. Providing sample questions in each chapter, a complete practice test modeled after the actual exam, and an extensive answer key providing full explanations for each correct answer, readers will find this to be a key resource in stimulating the learning process.

Product Details

Mc Press
Publication date:
Edition description:
Study Guid
Product dimensions:
6.80(w) x 9.00(h) x 1.80(d)

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