DB2 9 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows: DBA Guide, Reference and Exam Prep / Edition 6
  • DB2 9 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows: DBA Guide, Reference and Exam Prep / Edition 6
  • DB2 9 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows: DBA Guide, Reference and Exam Prep / Edition 6

DB2 9 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows: DBA Guide, Reference and Exam Prep / Edition 6

by George Baklarz, Paul C. Zikopoulos, Paul Zikopoulos

DB2® 9 builds on the world's number one enterprise database to simplify the delivery of information as a service, accelerate development, and dramatically improve operational efficiency, security, and resiliency.

Now, this new edition offers complete, start-to-finish coverage of DB2 9 administration and development for Linux®,

See more details below


DB2® 9 builds on the world's number one enterprise database to simplify the delivery of information as a service, accelerate development, and dramatically improve operational efficiency, security, and resiliency.

Now, this new edition offers complete, start-to-finish coverage of DB2 9 administration and development for Linux®, UNIX®, and Windows® platforms, as well as authoritative preparation for the latest IBM DB2 certification exam.

Written for both DBAs and developers, this definitive reference and self-study guide covers all aspects of deploying and managing DB2 9, including DB2 database design and development; day-to-day administration and backup; deployment of networked, Internet-centered, and SOA-based applications; migration; and much more. You'll also find an unparalleled collection of expert tips for optimizing performance, availability, and value.

Coverage includes:

  • Important security and resiliency enhancements, including advanced access control; fine-grained, label-based security; and the new security administrator role
  • Breakthrough pureXML features that make it easier to succeed with service-oriented architecture
  • Operational improvements that enhance DBA efficiency--including self-tuning memory allocation, automated storage management, and storage optimization
  • Table-partitioning features that improve scalability and manageability
  • Powerful improvements for more agile and rapid development, including the new Eclipse-based Developer Workbench and simple SQL or XQuery access to all data

Whatever your role in working with DB2 or preparing for certification, DB2 9 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows, Sixth Edition is the one book you can't afford to be without.

Download Complete DB2 V9 Trial Version

Visit ibm.com/db2/9/download.html to download a complete trial version of DB2, which enables you to try out dozens of the most powerful features of DB2 for yourself: everything from pureXML support to automated administration and optimization.

  • Straight from IBM, the ultimate guide to running DB2 9 and preparing for the latest IBM DB2 certification exam!
  • Covers powerful DB2 9 enhancements ranging from automated management to improved compression
  • Covers the full spectrum of DBA responsibilities, including server management, data placement, XML concepts, activity analysis, high availability, and security
  • Presents expert tips and best practices from the DB2 customer support organization

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Product Details

IBM Press
Publication date:
Edition description:
New Edition
Product dimensions:
7.22(w) x 9.54(h) x 2.28(d)

Table of Contents

Foreword xxi
Preface xxiii

Part ONE: Introduction to DB2 1

Chapter 1: Product Overview 3

Information as a Service 4
The DB2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows Data Server 9
DB2 Connectivity 28
DB2 Administration 45
Summary 60

Chapter 2: Getting Started 63

Product Installation 64
The DB2 Environment 98
Summary 115

Chapter 3: Getting Connected 117

DB2 Client Overview 118
Roadmap to Distributed Communications 124
Summary 164

Chapter 4: Controlling Data Access 167

Overview of Security 168
Auditing 216
Summary 221

Part TWO: Using SQL 223

Chapter 5: Database Objects 225

Understanding Database Objects 227
Managing Database Objects 235
Tables 263
Database Design and Implementation 316
Summary 325

Chapter 6: Manipulating Database Objects 327

Data Retrieval 328
Data Modification 365
View Classification 383
Summary 395

Chapter 7: Advanced SQL 397

Triggers 398
Recursive SQL 405
Outer Join 409
OLAP Features 414
Advanced CASE Expressions 432
Structured Types and Typed Tables 434
Summary Tables 456
Sequences 469
Advanced Functions 472
Summary 487

Chapter 8: pureXML Storage Engine 489

pureXML Feature Pack 490
The Difference: pureXML 495
Creating an XML-enabled Database 500
Creating Tables with pureXML 502
Inserting Data into pureXML Columns 504
Selecting Data from pureXML Columns 513
Updating and Deleting pureXML Columns 520
Indexing pureXML Columns 521
XML Schema Repository (XSR) 533
Summary 537

Chapter 9: Development SQL 539

User-Defined Functions 540
Structured Data Types 549
Schemas and Aliases 555
SQL Procedural Language 559
Stored Procedures 578
Summary 597

Chapter 10: Concurrency 599

Concurrency 600
Isolation Levels 607
Summary 621

Part THREE: DB2 Administration 623

Chapter 11: Data Storage Management 625

Processor, Memory, and Disk Resources 626
DB2 Storage Model 628
Table Space Design 640
Implementation Examples 652
Automatic Storage 664
Table Space Maintenance 666
Table (Range) Partitioning 674
Summary 699

Chapter 12: Maintaining Data 701

Moving Data 702
Data Movement Utilities 705
Data Maintenance 766
Data Maintenance Process 786
Summary 791

Chapter 13: Database Recovery 793

Database Recovery Concepts 794
Types of Recovery 795
Recovery Strategies 796
Use of Log Files 797
Version Recovery Using Backup and Restore 805
Roll-Forward Recovery 827
Managing Log Files 837
Other Recovery Considerations 838
High Availability 845
High-Availability Disaster Recovery 850
Summary 869

Chapter 14: Monitoring and Tuning 871

Elements of Performance 872
DB2 Architecture Overview 876
DB2 Sorting Methods 887
Monitoring the DB2 System 887
Database Monitoring 890
SQL Monitoring 921
Diagnostics and Problem Determination 947
Self-Tuning Memory Manager 960
Summary 973

Part FOUR: Developing Applications 975

Chapter 15: Application Development Overview 977

DB2 Application Development Environment 978
DB2 Programming Interfaces 982
Summary 995

Chapter 16: Development Considerations 997

Embedded SQL Overview 998
Support for CLI and ODBC Programming 1009
Support for Java Programming 1018
DB2 Developer Workbench 1021
Summary 1022

Part FIVE: Appendices 1023

Appendix A: DB2 9 Certification Test Objectives 1025

DB2 Certification Levels 1026
DB2 9 Fundamentals (730) 1027
DB2 for LUW Database Administration (731) 1029
DB2 for LUW Advanced DBA (734) 1032
IBM Certified DBA for DB2 9 for LUW, Upgrade (736) 1034

Appendix B: DB2DEMO Installation 1037

Installation Requirements 1038
Using the DB2DEMO Program 1045
Advanced Programming Information 1066
Support 1095

Index 1097

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