DB2 Administration All-in-One Exam Guide

DB2 Administration All-in-One Exam Guide

by Roger E. Sanders

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Now you can thoroughly prepare for the DB2 certification exams 509, 512, and 513 using this comprehensive reference. This definitive study tool maps out all exam objectives and provides you with key information on database fundamentals. Each chapter is loaded with practice questions and test-taking tips, allowing you to maximize your exam prep time. If you're looking… See more details below


Now you can thoroughly prepare for the DB2 certification exams 509, 512, and 513 using this comprehensive reference. This definitive study tool maps out all exam objectives and provides you with key information on database fundamentals. Each chapter is loaded with practice questions and test-taking tips, allowing you to maximize your exam prep time. If you're looking for a solid guide to becoming an IBM-certified professional as well as a valuable desk reference, then this is the ultimate resource.

Product Details

McGraw-Hill Companies, The
Publication date:
All-in-One Certification Series
Product dimensions:
7.70(w) x 9.42(h) x 2.18(d)

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