DB2 Universal Database in Application Development Environments

DB2 Universal Database in Application Development Environments

by Tetsuya Shirai, Robert Harbus, Bill Wilkins, Indran Naick

  • A comprehensive guide to developing applications that use DB2 UDB
  • Leveraging Visual Studio in DB2 UDB development: RDO, ADO, OLE DB, and stored procedures
  • Application development for DB2 UDB using MTS and IIS
  • The complete guide to application development with IBM's world-class DB2 Universal Database and Microsoft's Visual Studio
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  • A comprehensive guide to developing applications that use DB2 UDB
  • Leveraging Visual Studio in DB2 UDB development: RDO, ADO, OLE DB, and stored procedures
  • Application development for DB2 UDB using MTS and IIS
  • The complete guide to application development with IBM's world-class DB2 Universal Database and Microsoft's Visual Studio development tools
  • Leverage the power of the ActiveX Data Objects (ADO) programming model
  • Create high-performance distributed and Web-centered database applications

IBM's DB2 Universal Database Version 7.1 is the perfect enterprise database for Windows applications utilizing Microsoft's Distributed interNet Applications (DNA) architecture — and Windows 2000/NT is the fastest growing platform for DB2 development. Now, there's a complete, authoritative guide to enterprise development with DB2 UDB 7.x and Microsoft's Visual Studio 6.0: DB2 Universal Database in Application Development Environments!

In this book, a team of IBM DB2 experts cover every key concept and technology DB2 and Visual Studio developers need to master in order to build robust, high-performance DB2 database applications. Compare DB2's key application programming interfaces, including embedded SQL, DB2 Call Level Interface, ODBC, JDBC, SQLJ, native DB2 UDB APIs, and Microsoft's Data Objects — DAO, RDO, and ADO.

Discover how to incorporate DB2's powerful server-side features into your application designs — including constraints, user-defined distinct types, large objects, user-defined functions, and stored procedures. Next, using both Visual Basic and Visual C++, leverage the power of DB2 with Microsoft's ActiveX Data Objects (ADO) programming model. Coverage includes:

  • DB2 transaction processing using Microsoft Transaction Server (MTS)
  • Using Active Server Pages (ASP) to build Web database applications for Microsoft's Internet Information Server
  • Tuning application performance: refining SELECT statements, managing concurrency, temporary tables, partitioning, and other key techniques
  • Database security considerations

No matter what kind of enterprise database applications you're building, IBM's DB2 UDB and Microsoft's Visual Studio are an outstanding combination — and this book is all you need to leverage them both!

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Product Details

Pearson Education
Publication date:
IBM DB2 Series
Product dimensions:
7.03(w) x 9.20(h) x 1.36(d)

Table of Contents



Windows NT/2000 is the fastest growing platform for IBM's relational database servers, known as DB2 Universal Database (DB2 UDB), and over 74% of all DB2 UDB applications are created using Microsoft Visual Studio. This book is intended for IT architects, systems designers, and programmers who are interested in developing Windows applications for DB2 UDB using Microsoft's application development tools. The focus will be on Microsoft Visual Studio, which includes development environments for Visual Basic and Visual C++.

First, we will introduce supported programming interfaces for DB2 UDB, and server-side features which can be used in the design of your applications.

Then we will discuss application development using Visual Basic and Visual C++. We will focus on the Activex Data Objects (ADO) programming model.

We will also talk about multi-tier applications in the Microsoft Transaction Server (MTS) environment, and web applications using Active Server Pages (ASP) and Internet Information Server (IIS).

Finally, we will discuss performance tips relevant to application development for DB2 UDB.

Prior to reading this book, you need to have a basic database, Visual Basic, and Visual C++ knowledge.

This book is based on DB2 UDB Version 7.1, due to become generally available in June, 2000.

How this Book Was Created

This book was a joint effort between the San Jose ITSO (International Technical Support Organization) and the IBM Toronto Lab. The ITSO is a group within IBM whose mission is to provide skill transfer on new products and technology worldwide. We provide direct feedback to the IBM software labs aswegather input from various groups of DB2 users, including IBM support personnel, customers and business partners.

The ITSO provides a working environment for interested individuals to work with new IBM software products. These individuals may include IBM employees and customers. The team develops a workshop or a book, known as a redbook.

This book was produced by I/T professionals from all over the world, assisted by the expertise of the following people:

  • Tetsuya Shirai is a Project Leader at the International Technical Support Organization (ITSO), San Jose Center. He worked in Tokyo, Japan before joining the San Jose ITSO. He has been with IBM for 8 years, working for the last 4 years with DB2 UDB products. He has worked in the area of DB2 services, teaching classes to both customers and IBMers. He has also provided consulting services to DB2 customers worldwide.
  • John Barber has worked in IBM's AS/400 Support Center, in the UK, for the last 3 years. He specializes in supporting customers who are developing Client/Server applications to access DB2/400. For the 28 years prior to joining IBM, John worked for a leading UK Defence Equipment Supplier, where for the last 18 years, he was responsible for developing and implementing defect and test result data collection and analysis systems, on a range of different computer systems.
  • Mohan Saboji works for IBM Global Services in Bangalore, India. He has many years of experience of working in the Client/Server application development environment. He has extensively worked on the Microsoft development tools such as Visual Basic and Visual Interdev, and the Microsoft BackOffice server products suc MTS.
  • Indran Naick is a Project Leader and Senior I/T specialist at the International Technical Support Organization (ITSO), Austin Center. He has 10 years of industry experience. He writes extensively and teaches IBM classes worldwide on a number of client/server topics. Before joining the ITSO in 1999, Indran worked for the IBM Software Group, Southern Africa, in Software Solutions.
  • Bill Wilkins is a technical specialist in the IBM Data Management Consulting Services group in Toronto. Prior to this he worked in DB2 performance analysis in the IBM Toronto development laboratory for 6 years, including 2 years as manager. He is an IBM Certified Advanced Technical Expert in DB2 UDB and has over 20 years of experience in the IT industry.

For more information on IBM Redbooks, go to http://www.redbooks.ibm.com/redbooks

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