DB2 Version 8: The Official Guide (IBM Press Series--Information Management)
  • DB2 Version 8: The Official Guide (IBM Press Series--Information Management)
  • DB2 Version 8: The Official Guide (IBM Press Series--Information Management)

DB2 Version 8: The Official Guide (IBM Press Series--Information Management)

by Paul C. Zikopoulos, Roman B. Melnyk, Dirk deRoos, George Baklarz

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IBM DB2 Universal Database v8.1.2 will help you access any information, from any application, from anywhere in your organization, anytime—and do it all more easily and cost-effectively than you ever thought possible.

Now, in DB2 Version 8: The Official Guide, a team of IBM DB2 experts shows experienced DB2 professionals exactly how to make the most of

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IBM DB2 Universal Database v8.1.2 will help you access any information, from any application, from anywhere in your organization, anytime—and do it all more easily and cost-effectively than you ever thought possible.

Now, in DB2 Version 8: The Official Guide, a team of IBM DB2 experts shows experienced DB2 professionals exactly how to make the most of DB2 Version 8 in any environment—Linux®, UNIX®, or Windows®.

The authors draw on extensive personal experience helping customers implement state-of-the-art DB2 solutions, and unparalleled access to the IBM DB2 development team. They offer detailed, never-before-published technical guidance for the key challenges you'll face in delivering high-performance DB2 databases, e-business infrastructure, and enterprise integration solutions. Coverage includes:

  • Simplifying management with the Configuration Advisor, HealthCenter(, and Memory Visualizer
  • Integrating the enterprise via Federated Web Services and the DB2 enhanced

  • Maximizing database scalability, availability, and robustness
  • Using multidimensional data clustering and other integrated business intelligence tools
  • Integrating with IBM WebSphere and Microsoft software development tools
  • Leveraging key improvements in DB2 SQL functionality

The accompanying CD-ROM contains a complete trial version of IBM® DB2® Universal Database Personal Edition Version 8.1, for Windows® Operating Environments, Evaluation Copy, plus the DB2 demonstration program for trying out the various SQL commands on your own machine.

If you're an experienced DB2 professional who's ready to take DB2 Version 8 to the max, DB2 Version 8: The Official Guide is the book you've been searching for.

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Product Details

IBM Press
Publication date:
IBM Press Series--Information Management
Edition description:
Book & CD-ROM
Product dimensions:
7.00(w) x 9.30(h) x 1.10(d)

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