DBASE 5 for Windows Unleashed

DBASE 5 for Windows Unleashed

by Ernest Escobar, Paul Mahar

This hands-on tutorial, with its step-by-step approach, serves as a practical training guide and valuable reference for the experienced user. With extensive coverage of the new features and capabilities, this is the ultimate guide to dBASE for Windows.

  • Tips and tricks from the Borland Development Team increase users' productivity
  • Moves users from the
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This hands-on tutorial, with its step-by-step approach, serves as a practical training guide and valuable reference for the experienced user. With extensive coverage of the new features and capabilities, this is the ultimate guide to dBASE for Windows.

  • Tips and tricks from the Borland Development Team increase users' productivity
  • Moves users from the DOS world to the Windows environment quickly and effortlessly
  • Disk features programming examples from the book which save readers hours of typing

Product Details

Macmillan Computer Publishing
Publication date:
Unleashed Series
Edition description:
1st ed
Product dimensions:
7.34(w) x 9.11(h) x 2.07(d)

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