DBASE Dialects Software Engineering

DBASE Dialects Software Engineering

by T. David Millican

This book rescues you with in-depth presentations of all the major dBASE dialects and comprehensive coverage of the programming techniques and information resources used by the most productive professionals in the business. See more details below


This book rescues you with in-depth presentations of all the major dBASE dialects and comprehensive coverage of the programming techniques and information resources used by the most productive professionals in the business.

Editorial Reviews

A reference for the programming-level user of dBASE dialects which shows how to choose and exploit dBASE dialects and tools, and produce solid applications. It presents a software engineering perspective on the dBASE programming language and its products and services, including separate treatments of seven dialects from the four leading vendors. Annotation c. Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (booknews.com)

Product Details

Wiley, John & Sons, Incorporated
Publication date:
VNR Computer Library Series
Product dimensions:
7.53(w) x 9.23(h) x 0.98(d)

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