DBASE III Tips and Tricks

DBASE III Tips and Tricks

by David Jenkins

Introduces novices and experienced dBASE programmers to the finer points of dBASE, saving them much time and trouble in programming. This invaluable guide covers hundreds of points about dBASE that are not explained in the manuals and how to handle problems that users frequently encounter—for example, what to do when the REPLACE instruction will not work and

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Introduces novices and experienced dBASE programmers to the finer points of dBASE, saving them much time and trouble in programming. This invaluable guide covers hundreds of points about dBASE that are not explained in the manuals and how to handle problems that users frequently encounter—for example, what to do when the REPLACE instruction will not work and no error message is given. Everyone who is serious about dBASE, no matter how experienced they are in other languages, must ferret out the subtleties of instructions like APPEND and functions like EOF(). This book will alert readers to many of the surprises that are in store for the uninitiated.

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Macmillan Computer Publishing
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