dBASE IV for VMS and UNIX: A Technical Support Approach

dBASE IV for VMS and UNIX: A Technical Support Approach

by Sumant Pendharker, Sumant S. Pendharkar

Editorial Reviews

Database programs have made the personal computer both useful and cost effective so it is no surprise that the most popular database program of all time is available on a wide variety of systems. However, people who use UNIX or VMS will probably not find this book very useful. The authors could never decide what level of technical expertise was appropriate for the reader. Consequently, the material is complex at times and sophomoric at times, and the writing is choppy and disconnected. From a technical viewpoint, the material presented is first rate but the reader will have to wade through a number of awkward sentences to find anything useful. Annotation c. Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (booknews.com)

Product Details

Wiley, John & Sons, Incorporated
Publication date:
VNR Computer Library
Product dimensions:
7.35(w) x 9.18(h) x 1.01(d)

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