Delivering Business Intelligence with Microsoft SQL Server 2005: Utilize Microsoft's Data Warehousing, Mining & Reporting Tools to Provide Critical Intelligence to A / Edition 1

Delivering Business Intelligence with Microsoft SQL Server 2005: Utilize Microsoft's Data Warehousing, Mining & Reporting Tools to Provide Critical Intelligence to A / Edition 1

by Brian Larson

Transform disparate enterprise data into actionable business intelligence

Put timely, mission-critical information in the hands of employees across your organization using Microsoft SQL Server 2005 and the comprehensive information in this unique resource. Delivering Business Intelligence with Microsoft SQL Server 2005 shows you, step-by-step, how

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Transform disparate enterprise data into actionable business intelligence

Put timely, mission-critical information in the hands of employees across your organization using Microsoft SQL Server 2005 and the comprehensive information in this unique resource. Delivering Business Intelligence with Microsoft SQL Server 2005 shows you, step-by-step, how to author, customize, and distribute information that will give your company the competitive edge. It's all right here--from data mining, warehousing, and scripting techniques to MDX queries, KPI analysis, and the all-new Unified Dimensional Model. Real-world examples, start-to-finish exercises, and downloadable code throughout illustrate all of the integration, analysis, and reporting capabilities of SQL Server 2005.

Product Details

McGraw-Hill Professional Publishing
Publication date:
Essential Skills for Database Profession
Product dimensions:
7.30(w) x 9.00(h) x 1.57(d)

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Table of Contents

Ch. 1Equipping the organization for effective decision making3
Ch. 2Making the most of what you've got - using business intelligence13
Ch. 3Searching for the source - the source of business intelligence25
Ch. 4One-stop shopping - the unified dimensional model43
Ch. 5First steps - beginning the development of business intelligence61
Ch. 6Building foundations - creating and populating data marts95
Ch. 7Fill 'er up - using integration services for populating data marts141
Ch. 8Cubism - measures and dimensions273
Ch. 9Bells and whistles - special features of OLAP cubes321
Ch. 10Writing a new script - MDX scripting375
Ch. 11Pulling it out and building it up - MDX queries421
Ch. 12Panning for gold - introduction to data mining457
Ch. 13Building the mine - working with the data mining model483
Ch. 14Spelunking - exploration using data mining519
Ch. 15On report - delivering business intelligence with reporting services555
Ch. 16Let's get together - integrating OLAP with your applications673
Ch. 17Another point of view - Excel pivot tables and pivot charts717

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