Delphi 2 Developers' Solutions

Delphi 2 Developers' Solutions

by Nathan Wallace, Steve Tendon

Geared toward the advanced Delphi prgrammer, this book covers hjow to build a personalized screen saver, create a script-driven installation utility, upgrade the Windows 16 workplace shells, and handle image file conversions; how to bring an application up to speed with X, Y and Z modem protocols; and how to send programs into cyberspace via the Winsock API.See more details below


Geared toward the advanced Delphi prgrammer, this book covers hjow to build a personalized screen saver, create a script-driven installation utility, upgrade the Windows 16 workplace shells, and handle image file conversions; how to bring an application up to speed with X, Y and Z modem protocols; and how to send programs into cyberspace via the Winsock API.

Editorial Reviews

A comprehensive review of US agricultural research and development policy focusing on institutions and expenditures as well as proposals for change in financing, organization, and management. Agricultural economists Alston and Pardy develop the historical themes and issues in agricultural policy, the economic concepts embedded in its development, and the contemporary challenges of government involvement, funding, and research management. Includes statistical tables and charts. Annotation c. Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (

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6.94(w) x 8.96(h) x 1.99(d)

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