Delphi 2 Unleased

Delphi 2 Unleased

by Charles Calvert

This book helps every programmer get the most from the latest version of Delphi. And it reveals all the latest information including how to develop client/server applications, multimedia programs, and advanced Windows programming in an easy-to-understand style.

  • Teaches the components of object-oriented programming
  • Covers Windows 95 and multimedia
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This book helps every programmer get the most from the latest version of Delphi. And it reveals all the latest information including how to develop client/server applications, multimedia programs, and advanced Windows programming in an easy-to-understand style.

  • Teaches the components of object-oriented programming
  • Covers Windows 95 and multimedia programming
  • Included CD-ROM contains source code from the book and sample applications

Product Details

Publication date:
Product dimensions:
7.33(w) x 9.06(h) x 2.32(d)

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