Delphi 3 for Dummies

Delphi 3 for Dummies

by Neil J. Rubenking

If it sounds alien to you now, it won't for long! Delphi 3 For Dummies is your helper in writing Windows 95 applications with Borland's distinguished Delphi 3. This fun, results-oriented book zooms right in to building working programs by collecting and connecting Delphi's powerful components. You'll find everything you need to know about how your program

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If it sounds alien to you now, it won't for long! Delphi 3 For Dummies is your helper in writing Windows 95 applications with Borland's distinguished Delphi 3. This fun, results-oriented book zooms right in to building working programs by collecting and connecting Delphi's powerful components. You'll find everything you need to know about how your program functions. You'll even become a programming whiz -- even if you've never programmed before!

Inside, find helpful advice on how to

  • Create and run effective Delphi programs in the very first chapter
  • Get a personal introduction to Delphi's components
  • Write cool 32-bit programs with no more effort than writing good old 16-bit programs
  • Uncover the power of Windows 95 components
  • Start programming quickly by studying the code Delphi creates for you
  • Use Delphi 3 to create Internet applications
  • Create an ActiveX form for your Web page by using Delphi
  • Plus Neil's Top Ten Lists:
    • Ten most common mistakes to avoid
    • Ten handy built-in Delphi functions
    • Ten Windows API functions useful with Delphi

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Product Details

Wiley, John & Sons, Incorporated
Publication date:
For Dummies Series
Product dimensions:
7.40(w) x 9.27(h) x 1.15(d)

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