Delphi 4 Developer's Guide

Delphi 4 Developer's Guide

by Xavier Pacheco, Teixeira

The Delphi 4 Developer s Guide is an advanced-level reference showing developers what they need to know most about Delphi 4. The authors deal with developers every day and offer sound skills, advice, and technical knowledge on the most advanced features of Delphi 4. Topics will include: Advanced level components including embedded links, special features and DLLs … See more details below


The Delphi 4 Developer s Guide is an advanced-level reference showing developers what they need to know most about Delphi 4. The authors deal with developers every day and offer sound skills, advice, and technical knowledge on the most advanced features of Delphi 4. Topics will include: Advanced level components including embedded links, special features and DLLs including creating your own Visual Component Libraries, Advanced OOP and object Pascal. It discusses issues about application design and frameworks concepts for client/server, enterprise and desktop level database apps, along with Delphi s Multi-tier Distributed Applications Services Suite (MIDAS) and how it works with Delphi.

  • The most advanced developers technical reference on Delphi 4
  • Steve Teixeira and Xavier Pacheco are the award-winning authors of the Delphi 2 Developer s Guide and key members of Borland s Delphi development team.
  • The latest information on the best ways to build efficient, usable applications with Delphi 4 including Borland s new enterprise featurse, cross-component compatability, and Internet enabling capabilities.

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Product Details

Macmillan Publishing Company, Incorporated
Publication date:
Developer's Guide Series
Edition description:
Product dimensions:
7.36(w) x 9.07(h) x 2.34(d)

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