Delphi Developer's Guide to OpenGL

Delphi Developer's Guide to OpenGL

by Jon Q. Jacobs, Jon Q. Jacobs

A comprehensive title targeted at experienced 32-bit Delphi programmers and developers in the use of the industry graphics standard library, OpenGL, which has become a standard for programming in the animation and computer game industries. See more details below


A comprehensive title targeted at experienced 32-bit Delphi programmers and developers in the use of the industry graphics standard library, OpenGL, which has become a standard for programming in the animation and computer game industries.

Editorial Reviews

This book teaches Delphi programmers how to connect OpenGL functionality to Delphi's object-oriented, event-driven model using a step-by-step review of Open GL graphics programming. Through practical examples and exercises, programmers will learn about projection, illumination, construction of surfaces from polygons, and animation. The enclosed CD-ROM contains all the source code for the projects, links to web pages and other Internet resources, as well as the text of the book in ASCII format for easy searching. Jacobs is an experienced Delphi developer who works for American General in the Dallas/Fort Worth area. Annotation c. Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (

Product Details

Wordware Publishing, Inc.
Publication date:
Product dimensions:
7.53(w) x 9.28(h) x 1.37(d)

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