Delphi Nuts and Bolts: For Experienced Programmers

Delphi Nuts and Bolts: For Experienced Programmers

by Gary Cornell, Cay S. Horstmann

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In Delphi Nuts & Bolts: For Experienced Programmers, Second Edition, you won't get hung up with remedial information or lengthy tutorials. This guide offers maximum coverage of the new 32-bit version of Borland's popular visual development tool without stinting on the 16-bit version. In record time, you'll be able to learn Delphi's object Pascal language in both… See more details below


In Delphi Nuts & Bolts: For Experienced Programmers, Second Edition, you won't get hung up with remedial information or lengthy tutorials. This guide offers maximum coverage of the new 32-bit version of Borland's popular visual development tool without stinting on the 16-bit version. In record time, you'll be able to learn Delphi's object Pascal language in both 16-bit and 32-bit, find out how to make user-friendly applications using components and event procedures, develop applications using the new user interface features in Windows 95, take advantage of Delphi 32's new OLE-compliant controls and new language features, and program like an expert in both versions of Delphi - no matter what languages you're coming from.

Product Details

McGraw-Hill Companies, The
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7.42(w) x 9.11(h) x 1.01(d)

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