Delphi: A Developers Guide

Delphi: A Developers Guide

by Vince Kellen, Bill Todd, Ray Novak, Brad Saenz

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Delphi is one of the most popular client/server development environments currently available for the professional programmer. With its ease of use unparalleled by any other language and raw power unmatched by any comparable package on the market, there are few tools for the database programmer that come close to Delphi. Now the professional developer has a guide to… See more details below


Delphi is one of the most popular client/server development environments currently available for the professional programmer. With its ease of use unparalleled by any other language and raw power unmatched by any comparable package on the market, there are few tools for the database programmer that come close to Delphi. Now the professional developer has a guide to all the capabilities of Delphi in one easy-to-follow volume. Delphi: A Developer's Guide gives you everything you need to build powerful programs quickly and easily with a minimum of development time. Included in the book are detailed examples and sample programs covering topics from flat file I/O to data integrity and security. You'll learn how to build the kind of apps Delphi was designed to create - full featured database programs that stretch even Delphi to the limit. The CD-ROM includes all the code you build in the book and a set of third-party VCLs - custom controls you can use immediately in your own programs royalty free!

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Editorial Reviews

A clearly organized guide to all the capabilities of Delphi. Includes detailed examples and sample programs covering topics from flat file I/O to data integrity and security. A CD-ROM includes all the code in the book and a set of third-party VCLs. Annotation c. Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (

Product Details

Wiley, John & Sons, Incorporated
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7.21(w) x 9.25(h) x 2.02(d)

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