Developer's Handbook to DB2 for Common Servers

Developer's Handbook to DB2 for Common Servers

by Roger E. Sanders

Reviewed for accuracy by a team of IBM analysts and DB2 specialists,this authoritative,one-stop reference to development DB2/2 and DB2/6000 applications is the only comprehensive and up-to-date sourcebook on the latest versions of the red-hot database software that doubled its sales in the past year. Author Roger E. Sanders provides complete source code examples in… See more details below


Reviewed for accuracy by a team of IBM analysts and DB2 specialists,this authoritative,one-stop reference to development DB2/2 and DB2/6000 applications is the only comprehensive and up-to-date sourcebook on the latest versions of the red-hot database software that doubled its sales in the past year. Author Roger E. Sanders provides complete source code examples in this logically organized,impressively sized volume. He covers the underlying database architecture,application development fundamentals,and the latest tools for developing object-oriented DB2/2 and DB2/6000 database applications.

Editorial Reviews

Database 2's claim to fame is its role as the IBM information delivery system at the 1996 Summer Olympics in Atlanta. The author (SAS Institute) attempts to fill a perceived gap in the resource literature beyond IBM manuals on DB2 for Common Servers (released 1985). Version 2.1, its present incarnation, has been used by relational database application programmers developing software for the OS2/Warp and AIX 4.0 since 1995. Spans database concepts and application development basics, structured query language, cell level interface (CLI) functions, and application programming interface (API) functions. Appendices access SQL data structures, SQL functions, and SQL State cross-reference. Annotation c. by Book News, Inc., Portland, Or.

Product Details

McGraw-Hill Companies, The
Publication date:
McGraw-Hill Database Warehousing and Data Management Ser.
Product dimensions:
7.66(w) x 9.45(h) x 2.32(d)

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