Developing Analytical Database Applications

Developing Analytical Database Applications

by Francis McGuff, John Kador

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A strategic approach to enterprise database development.

Developing Analytical Database Applications delivers a complete "best-practices" methodology for building goal-directed enterprise database applications. Based on the advanced "spiral" approach, it focuses on the key stages of development that can make or break your project.

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A strategic approach to enterprise database development.

Developing Analytical Database Applications delivers a complete "best-practices" methodology for building goal-directed enterprise database applications. Based on the advanced "spiral" approach, it focuses on the key stages of development that can make or break your project.

Learn how to identify your application's strategic vision and scope-and transform this information into a detailed, practical design. Next, walk through constructing the application, and deploying it with maximum effectiveness. Coverage includes:

  • A complete, practical discussion of dimensional concepts.
  • Formal modeling techniques for producing analytical applications-with specific data warehousing examples.
  • Techniques for matching technologies to tasks and employee expertise.
  • RAD approaches for delivering the enterprise's most strategic processes first.
  • Mechanisms for reviewing and modifying applications as business goals change.

Developing Analytical Database Applications is a complete roadmap for ensuring that your enterprise database applications achieve your strategic goals-now, and for years to come.

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Editorial Reviews

A detailed guide to developing analytical applications covering introductory materials, defining an analytical methodology, and applying it to various kinds of projects. Also presents an object- oriented approach to developing analytical database applications. An index presents selected material on the tools in the analytical applications marketplace, based on . Annotation c. by Book News, Inc., Portland, Or.

Product Details

Prentice Hall Professional Technical Reference
Publication date:
Product dimensions:
7.04(w) x 9.25(h) x 1.78(d)

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