Developing Client - Server Systems Using Sybase SQL Server System 10

Developing Client - Server Systems Using Sybase SQL Server System 10

by Sanjiv Purba

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Contains essential information based on the author's personal development experience using Sybase SQL Server on diverse client/server development projects for mission-critical application systems. Focuses on providing readers with practical examples of SQL Server features that can be used immediately in an application development environment. Covers such topics as

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Contains essential information based on the author's personal development experience using Sybase SQL Server on diverse client/server development projects for mission-critical application systems. Focuses on providing readers with practical examples of SQL Server features that can be used immediately in an application development environment. Covers such topics as basic client/server concepts, stored procedures, triggers, query optimization, APT Workbench and much more.

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Instructs database developers and programmers in the use of Sybase SQL Server features for creating databases and developing sophisticated client/server applications. Introduces basic client/server concepts, and covers stored procedures, the Open Client API, triggers, query optimization, and creating objects. Includes a tutorial based on building an application for managing a retail store, and appendices with information on testing and performance considerations and System 10 architecture. Annotation c. Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (

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7.44(w) x 9.21(h) x 0.79(d)

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