Developing SYBASE Applications

Developing SYBASE Applications

by Daniel Borden

With Developing SYBASE Applications, you'll explore the entire application process - from modeling and design to implementation. You'll learn how to effectively use popular client/server developer's tools, such as Visual Basic and PowerBuilder 4 with SYBASE. Plus, you'll gain a solid understanding of client/server methodologies, including joint and rapid application… See more details below


With Developing SYBASE Applications, you'll explore the entire application process - from modeling and design to implementation. You'll learn how to effectively use popular client/server developer's tools, such as Visual Basic and PowerBuilder 4 with SYBASE. Plus, you'll gain a solid understanding of client/server methodologies, including joint and rapid application development. With Developing SYBASE Applications, you'll learn the entire process for application development - from the perspective of the technical manager.

Product Details

Publication date:
Edition description:
1st ed
Product dimensions:
7.38(w) x 9.12(h) x (d)

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