Digital Libraries - Current Issues: Digital Libraries Workshop, DL '94, Newark, NJ, USA, May 19- 20, 1994. Selected Papers / Edition 1

Digital Libraries - Current Issues: Digital Libraries Workshop, DL '94, Newark, NJ, USA, May 19- 20, 1994. Selected Papers / Edition 1

by Nabil R. Adam

This volume is the first book coherently summarizing the current issues in digital libraries research, design and management. It presents, in a homogeneous way, thoroughly revised versions of 15 papers accepted for the First International Workshop on Digital Libraries, DL '94, held at Rutgers University in May 1994; in addition there are two introductory chapters

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This volume is the first book coherently summarizing the current issues in digital libraries research, design and management. It presents, in a homogeneous way, thoroughly revised versions of 15 papers accepted for the First International Workshop on Digital Libraries, DL '94, held at Rutgers University in May 1994; in addition there are two introductory chapters provided by the volume editors, as well as a comprehensive bibliography listing 262 entries.
Besides introductory aspects, the topics addressed are administration and management, information retrieval and hypertext, classification and indexing, and prototypes and applications. The volume is intended for researchers and design professionals in the field, as well as for experts from libraries administration and scientific publishing.

Product Details

Springer Berlin Heidelberg
Publication date:
Lecture Notes in Computer Science Series, #916
Edition description:
Product dimensions:
9.21(w) x 6.14(h) x 0.72(d)

Table of Contents

2Some Key Issues in Database Systems in a Digital Library Setting9
3Promising Research Direction in Digital Libraries21
4Which Way to the Future? The Control of Scholarly Publication33
5Networked Information Systems As Digital Libraries51
6Automatic Hypertext Conversion of Paper Document Collections65
7Administering Structured Documents in Digital Libraries91
8Document Recognition for a Digital Library119
9Using Non-Textual Cues for Electronic Document Browsing129
10Corpus Linguistics for Establishing the Natural Language Content of Digital Library Documents165
11Compression and Full-Text Indexing for Digital Libraries181
12The Digital Library and The Home-based User203
13Integrating Natural Language With Large Dataspace Visualization209
14The Automated Analysis, Cataloging and Searching of Digital Image Libraries: A Machine Learning Approach225
15A Video Database System for Digital Libraries253
16Developing The Scientific-Technical Digital Library at a National Laboratory265
17DL-Raid: An Environment for Supporting Digital Library Services281

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