Digital Preservation and Metadata: History, Theory, Practice

Digital Preservation and Metadata: History, Theory, Practice

by Susan S. Lazinger, Helen R. Tibbo

Protect your digital resources! This book addresses critical issues of preservation, giving you everything you need to effectively protect your resources-from dealing with obsolescence, to responsibilities, methods of preservation, cost, and metadata formats. It also gives examples of numerous national and international institutions that provide frameworks for

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Protect your digital resources! This book addresses critical issues of preservation, giving you everything you need to effectively protect your resources-from dealing with obsolescence, to responsibilities, methods of preservation, cost, and metadata formats. It also gives examples of numerous national and international institutions that provide frameworks for digital libraries and archives. A long-overdue text for anyone involved in the preservation of digital information, this book is critical in understanding today's methods and practices, intellectual discourse, and preservation guidelines. A must for librarians, archiving professionals, faculty and students of library science, administrators, and corporate leaders!

Product Details

ABC-CLIO, Incorporated
Publication date:
Product dimensions:
6.10(w) x 9.20(h) x 1.00(d)

Table of Contents

Pt. IIssues
Ch. 1Why Is Digital Preservation an Issue?5
Ch. 2What Electronic Data Should Be Preserved?17
Ch. 3Who Should Be Responsible for Digital Preservation?47
Ch. 4How Can Electronic Publications Be Preserved?75
Ch. 5How Much Will It Cost?111
Pt. IIModels, Formats, and Standards
Ch. 6Models for Syntactic and Semantic Interoperability: Metalanguages and Metadata Formats139
Ch. 7Standards for Structural Interoperability: Frameworks and Wrapper Technologies189
Ch. 8From Theory to Reality: Selected Electronic Data Archives in the United States209
Ch. 9Further Reality: International Digital Cultural Heritage Centers and Sites and Electronic Data Archives259

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