Disaster Recovery Planning for Computers and Communication Resources: with Disk

Disaster Recovery Planning for Computers and Communication Resources: with Disk

by Jon William Toigo

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Information Technology

Everything you need to know to avoid costly down time and get your systems back online in no time.

Don't wait for disaster to strike to find out how vulnerable your systems are. Your company's very survival could depend on how quickly you restore your computer and communications systems following a disaster. In this down-to-earth,

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Information Technology

Everything you need to know to avoid costly down time and get your systems back online in no time.

Don't wait for disaster to strike to find out how vulnerable your systems are. Your company's very survival could depend on how quickly you restore your computer and communications systems following a disaster. In this down-to-earth, nuts-and-bolts guide, expert Jon Toigo tells you what you need to do to prevent many disasters from happening and how to minimize the impact of those that cannot be avoided.

Jon Toigo examines the many causes of computer system failures and gives you proven, logical, easy-to-follow steps you can take to avoid them. A comprehensive, step-by-step guide to disaster recovery, from planning concept to execution, Disaster Recovery Planning:

  • Covers the recovery requirements of mainframes as well as personal computers, LANs, WANs, departmental processors, and communications systems
  • Provides a detailed analysis of disaster avoidance systems that can prevent network down time from occurring
  • Explores the politics of disaster recovery planning, with tips on how to work with management to get the funding you need
  • Comes with a disk containing all the forms you need to quickly develop your own disaster recovery plan

Don't wait for disaster to strike. Do something now.

Get your hands on this book and find out how to be prepared for the worst.

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Product Details

Publication date:
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Product dimensions:
7.53(w) x 9.35(h) x 0.93(d)

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