Disaster Survival Guide for Business Communications Networks: Strategies for Planning, Response and Recovery in Data and Telecom Systems

Disaster Survival Guide for Business Communications Networks: Strategies for Planning, Response and Recovery in Data and Telecom Systems

by Richard Grigonis

Many organizations have begun to have a more focused approach to disaster planning. But in today's perilous climate which not only includes terrorist attacks, but also the usual never-ending onslaught of hackers, crackers, computer viruses, 'tele-thieves,See more details below


Many organizations have begun to have a more focused approach to disaster planning. But in today's perilous climate which not only includes terrorist attacks, but also the usual never-ending onslaught of hackers, crackers, computer viruses, 'tele-thieves,

Product Details

Taylor & Francis
Publication date:
Edition description:
New Edition
Product dimensions:
7.00(w) x 10.00(h) x 0.84(d)

Table of Contents

Ch. 1Disasters Large and Small1
Ch. 2Conferencing Technology - Addressing the Fear Factor17
Ch. 3Fault Tolerant Computing81
Ch. 4Data Management and Storage Technology175
Ch. 5Power Protection193
Ch. 6Wireless - Staying Connected221
Ch. 7Security241
Ch. 8VPNs Put Employees Virtually Anywhere283
Ch. 9Telework303
Ch. 10Devising a Master Plan327
Index of Sidebars379
Index of Graphics381

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