Disk Detective: Secrets You Must Know To Recover Information From A Computer

Disk Detective: Secrets You Must Know To Recover Information From A Computer

by Norbert Zaenglein

"Disk Detective" is designed to bring the secrets of information recover to the average person. In it, the author shows PIs, parents, teachers, business owners and law enforcement professionals what types of information can be recovered from IBM-compatible personal computers and how. He includes step-by-step instructions for * recovering information from reformatted… See more details below


"Disk Detective" is designed to bring the secrets of information recover to the average person. In it, the author shows PIs, parents, teachers, business owners and law enforcement professionals what types of information can be recovered from IBM-compatible personal computers and how. He includes step-by-step instructions for * recovering information from reformatted disks or overwritten files retrieving deleted files * discovering passwords * retracing visited Internet files * Locating e-mail messages, and more.

Product Details

Paladin Press
Publication date:
Product dimensions:
5.60(w) x 8.48(h) x 0.29(d)

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