Document Warehousing and Text Mining: Techniques for Improving Business Operations, Marketing and Sales

Document Warehousing and Text Mining: Techniques for Improving Business Operations, Marketing and Sales

by Dan Sullivan

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"This book combines a thorough introduction to document warehousing with an in-depth technical tutorial for implementation. Dan Sullivan truly leaves no stone unturned. This book is my de-facto document warehousing resource!"--Jill Dyche, Baseline Consulting Group

Most business information isn't neatly stored in databases. It's more likely found in a swirl of

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"This book combines a thorough introduction to document warehousing with an in-depth technical tutorial for implementation. Dan Sullivan truly leaves no stone unturned. This book is my de-facto document warehousing resource!"--Jill Dyche, Baseline Consulting Group

Most business information isn't neatly stored in databases. It's more likely found in a swirl of millions of Web pages, e-mails, and free-form text documents. To capture and tame this flood of information for decision making, businesses are now turning to document warehousing and text mining techniques.

This book provides database and data warehouse developers and managers with complete guidance on how to build and manage a document warehouse, how to organize unstructured text for easy storage and retrieval, and how to leverage text mining techniques to provide timely and accurate information for decision-makers.

You'll learn how document warehousing and text mining technologies compare with their numeric data warehousing and data mining counterparts, and discover essential tools for tapping into information resources within your company and across the Internet. With the help of example applications, checklists, and templates, this book teaches you to:
* Design the architecture of a document warehouse
* Find and retrieve text documents from multiple sources
* Load information into the warehouse and transform it to the desired form
* Select the right tools to thematically index, categorize, cluster, and summarize text
* Adapt the appropriate meta data for your document warehouse
* Use text mining for operational management, customer relationship management, and competitive analysis
* Ensure the security and privacy of your document warehouse

The companion Web site at contains:
* Scripts for common tasks
* Document templates used in the design stage of document warehouse development
* Links to related sites

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Editorial Reviews

This guide for database and data warehouse developers and managers describes the process of building and managing a document warehouse, the organization of unstructured text to facilitate storage and retrieval, and the use of text mining techniques. Coverage includes, for example, text-oriented business intelligence operations, space requirements, end-user support, the metadata repository and document data model, manual and automatic retrieval methods, file system security, and text mining for competitive intelligence. Annotation c. Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (

Product Details

Publication date:
Product dimensions:
7.51(w) x 9.25(h) x 1.23(d)

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