Doing More with SAS/ASSIST 9.1

Doing More with SAS/ASSIST 9.1

by Inc SAS Institute, Sas Institute

Take advantage of the power of SAS using SAS/ASSIST software. Users of all levels will find this title informative. It provides instructions for a wide variety of tasks, including more advanced tasks than you will find in Getting Started with SAS/ASSIST 9.1. Some of the many tasks described in this title include combining data, creating formats and informats,… See more details below


Take advantage of the power of SAS using SAS/ASSIST software. Users of all levels will find this title informative. It provides instructions for a wide variety of tasks, including more advanced tasks than you will find in Getting Started with SAS/ASSIST 9.1. Some of the many tasks described in this title include combining data, creating formats and informats, generating sophisticated graphics, and performing advanced query and reporting tasks. This title is also available online. This title is designed primarily for developers of SAS applications. However, end users of those applications and administrators of resources that are used by those applications will also find this title useful.

Supports releases 9.1 and higher of SAS software.

Product Details

SAS Institute Inc.
Publication date:
Product dimensions:
8.25(w) x 11.00(h) x 0.60(d)

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