

by Paul Beynon-Davies

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E-Business provides a balanced, holistic overview of the phenomenon of e-business and its role in transforming organizations. It takes a world-wide perspective and discusses the impact of ICT within both the private and public sectors. A strong underpinning in systems thinking is used throughout to demonstrate the practical implications of this phenomenon

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E-Business provides a balanced, holistic overview of the phenomenon of e-business and its role in transforming organizations. It takes a world-wide perspective and discusses the impact of ICT within both the private and public sectors. A strong underpinning in systems thinking is used throughout to demonstrate the practical implications of this phenomenon for modern organizations. Each chapter integrates with a model of e-business presented at the start. Chapters are designed as learning units and include spider diagrams, examples, reflective questions, cases and activities.

Companion Website: http://www.palgrave.com/business/beynon-daviesebusiness/

Editorial Reviews

From the Publisher

Praise for the previous edition:

"The author is to be congratulated in producing a text which draws together the principal strands of e-business in an accessible and readable manner." - Stuart Fitz-Gerald, International Journal of Information Management

"A core text for information systems students at undergraduate level...it is good to see the inclusion of the full range of e-busines applications including e-procurement and supply chain management. Learning features in each chapter include a short case study, summary, activities and reference. The book has a clear structure and would be efficient for student revision with its use of mind maps to relate topics." - Dave Chaffey, Times Higher Education Supplement (Dave Chaffey is the key competitor)

"This book has definitely achieved the right balance in the treatment of the business and technical aspects. It is quite difficult to present a balance so I would like to congratulate the author here because the content gives the students exactly the knowledge of what technology could do and what they could demand from IT people." -
Herbert Kotzab, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark

Customer review from Amazon:
"You are part of what this book is all about! Amazon, according to the author, is not only the world's largest e-tailer but a classic example of e-business. What else does he say about Amazon (and eBay too)? - buy the book! But the main reason to buy it is because it's a first-rate text designed for the degree and MBA classroom but of great relevance to those who manage (or are managed by) the e-business domain. In fact a great read for anyone interested in the subject. The theoretical base is Systems theory, and, though I found the discussion a touch thin and uncritical, it does provide a framework to look at e-business as a whole and to examine its organisational and social dimensions. Technical aspects are presented in a readable way. Intelligent structure and layout, easy to navigate, useful glossary."

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Product Details

Palgrave Macmillan
Publication date:
Edition description:
Second Edition,Revised Edition,2nd edition
Product dimensions:
7.40(w) x 9.60(h) x 0.80(d)

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