Easy Microsoft Access 2000

Easy Microsoft Access 2000

by Jeffrey L. Byrne

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Easy Microsoft Access 2000 starts with the basics of the program and advances, in a series of increasingly more difficult tasks, to creating and using reports. This book gets you comfortable with Access by using clear, hands-on directions and engaging summaries. Learn to build and manipulate databases in a short period of time. See more details below


Easy Microsoft Access 2000 starts with the basics of the program and advances, in a series of increasingly more difficult tasks, to creating and using reports. This book gets you comfortable with Access by using clear, hands-on directions and engaging summaries. Learn to build and manipulate databases in a short period of time.

Product Details

Pearson Education
Publication date:
Easy Series
Product dimensions:
10.04(w) x 8.01(h) x 0.62(d)

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