Easy Oracle PHP: Create Dynamic Web Pages with Oracle Data

Easy Oracle PHP: Create Dynamic Web Pages with Oracle Data

by Mladen Gogala

This unique book focuses on removing the guesswork from creating dynamic web pages with Oracle content.

Packed with working code examples, this book shows working examples of connecting to Oracle and delivering data into an HTML page.

This indispensable reference shows working examples of complex Oracle queries in PHP, updating Oracle from PHP, and passing

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This unique book focuses on removing the guesswork from creating dynamic web pages with Oracle content.

Packed with working code examples, this book shows working examples of connecting to Oracle and delivering data into an HTML page.

This indispensable reference shows working examples of complex Oracle queries in PHP, updating Oracle from PHP, and passing parameters to a PHP program.

Product Details

Rampant TechPress
Publication date:
Easy Oracle Series
Product dimensions:
7.50(w) x 9.25(h) x 0.54(d)

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